Create an Easy, Lucrative and Fun business in 3 days. Apply for the Genius Network Annual Event in Scottsdale, AZ, on Dec. 1 – 3.

Any problem can be Solved with
the right Genius Network.

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What Benifits Can You Expect From

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Access to (usually) inaccessible people, talent, and resources - including venture opportunities across multiple industries.

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Receive accountability tools that simplify and produce high-return results

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Ten Minute Talks®... Ideas Worth Using™. Gain access the proprietary experiences of Real Geniuses in their fields with nothing held back.

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You can build a business and a great life at the same time! Become a better entrepreneur starting today.

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Genius Network® is an exclusive group that connects high-achieving entrepreneurs, industry innovators, and best-selling authors and helps them grow their business ten-fold. Apply today for your introduction to the group.

Discover how you could be connecting to grow your businesses with some of the worlds leading authors, experts, entrepreneurs, and marketing minds.


Get connected and gain access to the top entrepreneurs in the world. People who have participated in Genius Network® Events include: Dan Sullivan, Peter Diamandis, Brendon Burchard, Dr. Daniel Amen, Robin Robins, Clate Mask, Jeff Walker, Jay Abraham, David Bach, Steve Forbes, Dr. Ned Hallowell, Arianna Huffington, Neil deGrasse Tyson and many more.

This is the one time per year we open up our
Genius Network® Experience to the public and give…

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Piranha Marketing Logo

E.L.F. Business®
Easy, Lucrative & Fun!®

Piranha Marketing is a company that provides knowledge products, marketing tools, robotic selling systems, and training to entrepreneurs seeking to create an E.L.F. Business® Easy, Lucrative & Fun!®

Through the combination of education-based marketing systems and experiential packaging, Piranha Marketing has enabled business owners in commoditized price-focused industries (such as carpet cleaning) to excel. The strategies we provide and attract the best clients to pay top dollar for our members’ high quality products and services.

E.L.F.® Coaching

If You Want to Quickly Take Your Business to E.L.F.® (Easy, Lucrative, and Fun), Despite COVID-19 And All the Challenges and Craziness In The World, This Will Be the Most Important Website You Visit

Play Video

Imagine having an Easy, Lucrative, and Fun business. How would that even feel? You can get it by accessing some of the same content that Genius Network Members get – being coached every month by me and others – getting access to leading edge marketing strategy and tools and “elegant ideas” to take your business to the next level – while getting it all from the comfort of your home or office – at just a fraction of the cost of Genius Network. It’s convenient. It’s powerful. It’s completely timely for 2021. And it’s E.L.F.®

Results You Can Expect
from E.L.F.® Coaching

Rich Cleaner Podcast Image

Cleaning Industry

Ultimate Solutions To Getting
High-Paying Customers

Get 3 Complete, Easy, Proven, Low Cost Systems…That Will Have Your Cleaning Business Booked SOLID…Handed To You For FREE Right Now

Maybe other people are scratching their heads trying to figure out how to get their phone ringing…but after you watch this video, you won’t be…you will know exactly how to get those calls coming in…no matter what the economy is doing around you!

LISTEN And LEARN from the experts