Create an Easy, Lucrative and Fun business in 3 days. Apply for the Genius Network Annual Event in Scottsdale, AZ, on Dec. 1 – 3.

Joe Polish ~ the most Connected man on the planet

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There are two ways to
run a business: You can have an

ELF  business (Easy, Lucrative & Fun) or a

HALF  business Hard, Annoying, Lame, and Frustrating

Slide 1
There are two ways to
run a business: You can have an

ELF  business (Easy, Lucrative & Fun) or a

HALF  business Hard, Annoying, Lame, and Frustrating

Get The Exclusive *First* Chapter of The Average Joe’s Marketing Book,

 where you’ll learn how to think about your marketing and learn the foundation to creating an E.L.F. Business® (Easy, Lucrative, and FUN!)

“From Dead Broke Carpet Cleaner To One Of The Most Connected Businessmen On The Planet!”

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Meet Joe Text Image

Joe Polish is one of the most sought after marketers alive today.

Known for his ability to connect with almost anyone on the planet, he leverages his networking prowess to bring together the top industry transformers and leaders in the world. His mission is to change the global conversation around addiction and recovery from one of judgment to one of compassion.

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Connection. Collaboration. Contribution.

Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go to get their next big breakthrough with access to connection, contribution, and collaboration, not available anywhere else.