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Strategy #3: The Secret To HIDDEN Profits

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Carpet Cleaning, New Hampshire

Joe, thanks to your incredible marketing strategies last year (using only 4 carpet cleaning vans) ...I am living proof that a person can get rich in this business!


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Thanks to Joe Polish and Piranha Marketing our profits are up 98%! We made an extra $165,000 in 12 months!

Allpro Restoration


Joe, thanks to you our business will never be the same! Our net profit jumped over 100% after we implemented your recession proof strategies! In just 10 months!

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The Fastest, Easiest Way To Get A Cash Surge
By Tapping into Your Treasure-Store
of Existing Customers.

Marketers say "lists are gold."

But if lists are gold, then your own client list is an acre of diamonds.

What I'm talking about is your list of people who are familiar with you, they've used your service before and maybe even trust and like you. (Hopefully.)

Now, if you are new to the business and don't have a single client then compile a list of your "circle of influence" or people you know, or are acquainted with, and start from there. Or, align with a business owner who already has lots of customers - and offer his list an amazing deal only for his/her customers. (Hint: It might help if you show your service to this business owner for free so he can confidently recommend you to his clients)

Why is this list so valuable?

Because you already have a relationship with these people. In the world of marketing we call this a "warm list" as opposed to "cold lists" of people who don't know you at all yet.

If you want to fill your schedule next week and bring in immediate money into your business, send out an "irresistible offer" to your existing clients that haven't used you in 6 months or more.

In my Rich Cleaner System I have a letter that is one of the most successful pieces ever mailed in this industry. This letter works like clockwork and every time it's mailed it delivers a Cash Flow Surge. I call it the "I Miss You Letter". And I'm going to tell you how you can implement this strategy in your own business.

Harvest Your "Acres Of Diamonds".

Are you ready to have this strategy mapped out for you? This is Direct Response Marketing at it's best so let's get started.

First of all, let's start with your list. You need to compile a list of your clients who have not used you in 6 months or more.

Once you have your list, you need to craft your Direct Response Marketing sales message. Go back up to Strategy #1 and review the steps and components necessary to create this piece. Remember to write as if you are in a conversation with your prospect. Or as direct marketing genius and copy writer Robert Collier put it, when you write "enter the conversation already taking place in your customer's mind."

Just be careful, I have had a few people call and tell me "I did this strategy and it didn't work." That's like calling me up and telling me "dating doesn't work" just because you can't get someone to go out with you. It works, you just have to do it right. If you follow the proven guidelines, and really "speak" to your client's inner "What's in it for me?" this will work.

I've seen lots of people attempt to write this letter and the page is a "mine field" of the words "I" and "We". And I can tell you right here and now that's going to kill your response. This is about your prospect/client not you or your company. Always remember that.

If you want to become a skilled copy writer pick up some books by Dan Kennedy, Claude Hopkins and Eugene Schwarz. Devour everything you can on the subject of direct response marketing and copy writing.

Now when you create this marketing piece, be sure to use plain white paper, (don't distract people from your message with your fancy letterhead) then be sure to put a compelling headline across the top of the letter. And continue your letter by "talking" to your client as if you are sitting face to face with them.

Remind your client that it's been at least 6 months since you were out to clean for them. (Sometimes people just get busy and don't even realize it.) Explain the benefits of getting their carpets cleaned regularly by a professional. Educate your client about what your service will do for them, their carpet and their health.

Don't forget to include your irresistible offer and don't forget to put an expiration date on it. Sign with your personal/company name and contact info and even add a "P. S." with a little extra motivation in there.

Next put the letter into a plain white envelope with your handwriting or a handwriting font on it. Use a first class stamp. Don't put your company logo anywhere on the outside of the envelope and don't even put your business name. Put your personal name and address on the envelope. Here is why: Mail gets sorted over the wastebasket but if you follow my advice your letter WILL get opened.

"What About E-Mailing These Letters
To Save On Postage?"

Now you might be thinking, "Cool, but I'll just email my clients". And that is fine. By all means communicate via email and Social Media. I teach and encourage my Rich Cleaners to apply Direct Response Marketing to all online communication. But you will get a higher response if you mail to your clients just as I've directed.

This is because your clients are swamped with emails, and there is a good chance that your email will hit their spam file instead of their inbox. But when someone gets a letter in their mail box, there is a personal connection that is made when they open an envelope and hold a letter in their hands. And it gives you a chance to command their attention away from the distraction of the internet.

Direct mail is alive and well and better than ever. There is far less competition in your client's mailbox because so many people are abandoning this form of communication. People often abandon things even when they are still working just because of trends or what I call, "shiny new object syndrome."

But, that's good news for Direct Marketers. In fact, you'll find the smartest marketers are "marrying" online and offline communication to integrate a complete marketing plan.

And a great way for you to use this strategy in conjunction with online marketing is to send out an email, or post, telling your clients you sent a very special gift to them in the mail and for them to keep their eyes peeled for it.

Do this strategy right and you will resurrect old client relationships, spur referrals, and get your phone ringing fast.


Now read about Strategy #4





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